Inner light

Inner Light Revival – Bali from Loren Wheeler on Vimeo.




Our inner light

Lives deep within our heart

Where wisdom and guidance

Are found in deep silence


The Divine spark

Our eternal soul

is our direct link to Source

of unlimited, unconditional Love!


When your thoughts and mind

Are loving and kind

Coherently harmonized

and the emotions are unified


Your vibrations rise

You are uplifted to the most High

you feel the wave of emotions

Of a loving enfolding ocean


Your consciousness expands

You finally understand,

Dissipating your previous blindness

You realize your Oneness!


You are a part of the Divine

A drop in the sea sublime

The sea is in you

You are now aware that this is true!


The window of your soul

Lets the shining love of God

Glow through your eyes,

Now loving and wise…


You look and you now see,

You hear everyone’s plea,

You feel everyone’s pain…

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